Monday, November 14, 2011

The American, directed by Anton Corbijn and the almost imediant resurrection of my movie blog

Hey guys,
In case you missed my last post, I was planning on killing my movie blog. I am pleased to inform you that this is no longer happening. : D Although I will continue to review movies, I will no loner do so weekly, rather I will make a certain number of posts a month (around 4). I also have seperated my movie blog posts from my Computer Programming posts by creating a new blog soely for my movie reviews. If you are interested in visiting my movie blog, see the link at the top of this page. From now on this will be the last movie review on this blog, all of the future reviews will be on my new blog. I was going to stop reviewing movies due to my lack of time/effort but I almost immediately regretted my actions, for I already miss reviewing movies. So, without further ado... this week's movie is;

The American, directed by Anton Cornijn

After I saw The American a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't quite sure what to think. I remember watching it and being fairly impressed with the cinematography and implements of mise en scene, but after the film I realized that pretty much nothing had happened during the entire movie. I later read a review on IMDb that described this movie perfectly as, "a masterfully crafted film about nothing." This is basically exactly how I feel about this movie. 

The American is a story about an american assassin who goes by Senior Farfalla (Mr. Butterfly) who is visiting Italy to complete his final job before retirement. The entire movie basically follows him around as he does various day to day activities, with no real plot development. He soon realizes that he is being followed, after which several attempts at his life were made. You discover that his boss is trying to kill him, and then he does. That basically sums the movie up. The only other detail I can think of is that he falls in love with a prostitute and you see her boobies a lot. The movie ends with him being shot as he goes to meet his girlfriend, and he dies as soon as he gets to her. 

This linear plot would have been lacking for a short film. It leaves the viewer thinking, wait...what just happened? It only takes you a couple of minutes to realize that nothing happened. I hardly think that a few shots of a man eating in a restaurant, having sex with his girlfriend/prostitute and walking to his car can make an entire movie.

I would give this movie a 4.9 on the SMS, it's few points earned because of the frequent textbook examples of quality film making that you rarely see in movies anymore. In my opinion, Anton Corbijn made a great film but forgot the movie part of it. Yes there is a difference. 

This has been a movie review by Severin, the somewhat informed movie critic. Stay safe America, and keep watching movies.

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