Monday, November 14, 2011

Following, directed by Christopher Nolan

I have been in Computer Programming now for 7 hours 25 minutes and 36 seconds total. So far it seems pretty sweet I guess. We haven't really done much yet except for set up these things called blogs. If you don't know what a blog is them you either have Alzheimer's or are one of those weirdos who just browses the web for little to no reason.  Regardless, blogging is pretty cool so far (but that's just cause I like to hear the sound of my own voice... yes I'm talking to myself as I write this).
To be honest I know almost nothing about computers, so most everything we talk about is new to me, which isn't really a bad thing I guess. OK, enough introduction. I am now going to segue into what my true passion is... MOVIES.
Too keep my posts a reasonable length, I will only talk about one movie per post (I could literally talk forever about movies); this weeks movie is:

Following, Directed by Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan is probably my favorite director. His movies always seem to blow my mind, and I am determined to watch all of his movies, which is how I stumbled upon this film. Some titles you may recognize that are also by him are FollowingMementoBatman BeginsThe PrestigeThe Dark Knight, and Inception (in that order chronologically). His new movie, The Dark Knight Rises is the end to his Batman trilogy, and is set to release on July 20th of 2012; which I am highly anticipating.

Following was his first movie which came out in 1998. Filmed in black and white, Following tells the story of a starving writer who begins to follow random people to gather information for his characters. It follows him through two time lines that happen simultaneously, similar to Memento. After this continues for a while he becomes addicted to following people and is taken under the wing of a professional burglar, Cobb, who shows him the ropes of breaking and entering. As their relationship grows, the writer, Bill, becomes attached to a woman who's house they broke into and he begins to see her romantically; but this woman is not exactly who Bill thinks she is...

With only a somewhat surprising twist ending, I was somewhat disappointed with this film. Being that Memento came out directly after this one and the similarities of the two story lines, I feel like Following was really just an underdeveloped Memento. The twist at the end, while surprising, was much less daring then that of his other movies such as Memento or The Prestige, or even Inception, all of which had extreme surprises at the end.

After much debate, I would give this movie a 7.9 on my movie scale (from 1-10, 10 being absolutely perfect) but probably would not recommend it to other Nolan fans, being that it doesn't quite live up to his reputation.

This has been a film review of Following, directed by Christopher Nolan, by Severin- the informed movie critic. Severin signing off, stay safe America, and keep watching movies.

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